Descaling, Desalination, HVACI, OEM, Pharmaceuticals, Plating, Galvanizing and Other Coatings, Acid Transfer, Polymers, Auxiliary, Primary Processing, Bleach Chemicals, Wastewater Collection and Treatment, Caustic and Chlor-Alkali, Snowmaking, Chemical and Liquor, Solvents, Coatings, Waste Processing, Construction, Water Treatment, Cooling Water – Metals, Delayed Coking, Food Processing
The Flowserve Vogt Extended End concept has an inherently greater length-strength ratio than the traditional ”valve with nipple” welded assembly. It accomodates varying insulation thickness.
The extended body is a ready to install outlet which provides reliable performance as well as significant savings in installation, inspection and maintenance time.
Vogt is an approved manufacturer of HF Alkylation valves for the UOP ALKY process. Vogt ALKY valves are listed in Phillips Petroleum Company’s HF Alkylation Process Design Specification Manual.
- Conform to API 602
- Solid Wedge
- HF Seats
- Bolted Gland
- Seal Weld Bonnet or Bolted Bonnet